Decisions Decisions
We make approximately 35,000 choices per day. How many of those guys do we allow to steal our power?
We think of our major decisions like cars and houses but how many of us assess our small decisions. They are the ones that add up to habits and they deserve observation.
Our bodies are so incredibly complex, what are we doing to support them and what do we that tears them down. Do we choose not to try something because we don't believe we're strong enough? Do we choose to eat something that we know will make us feel bad because we've either waited too long to eat or have had a stressful day? Do we even be still long enough to analyze how our choices affect us?
We are constantly sending messages to ourselves through our decisions. Are those messages supporting and empowering? When we support and empower from within we are less likely to be controlled by our outer environment and that is the definition of power.