Grateful for guilt?

The emotion that can break your heart is sometimes the very one that heals it....
— Nicholas Sparks

Welcome back to Thursday Words Day!

Today we are going to touch on the subject of “negative” emotions, specifically mommy guilt.

It doesn’t matter if your child is human, canine, feline, reptile, rodent, or any other form of life you choose to nurture, mommy guilt is real and it SUCKS!

But does it?

I took a minute to sit with my mommy guilt a couple of days ago. I separated it from the thing I was feeling guilty about and realize that it is 100% rooted in love. I realized in that moment that I should congratulate myself because I loved so deeply that I felt guilty for falling short. I also noticed my new perception had changed the guilt from something I pushed away and considered negative to something I could be grateful for.

So the next time you feel like a terrible person because you somehow didn’t quite measure up give yourself a big high-five for caring so much.




Get Outside!